Research for climate neutral logistics
Intelligent connection of electricity, heat, cooling and transport
How can a low CO² energy supply be achieved using the example of a logistics centre? This is the subject of the ELogZ research project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.
Consortium partners are PANEUROPA Transport, ecco ecology + communication Unternehmensberatung, KEHAG Unternehmensgruppe, the University of Oldenburg, the German Aerospace Centre and SCHULZ Systemtechnik.
On the way to climate neutrality, sector coupling plays a key role in the distributed energy systems commonly used in logistics, i.e. the intelligent connection of the areas of electricity, heating and cooling as well as transport. It aims to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources and increase the flexibility of energy demand, generation and storage.
An energy management system is designed to put theory into practice by linking sectors across divisions. “A control logic uses influencing variables detected via sensors to control various system components accordingly,” explains our software developer Nathan Wollek “It not only couples the relevant areas, but also integrates them into the optimisation model.”
In addition, previously isolated software systems can be connected to the energy management system via standardised interfaces to offer further potential for greenhouse gas savings. This sustainable solution approach was also presented by the research group at the Enviroinfo environmental informatics conference in Berlin. The concept is currently being implemented at PANEUROPA and subjected to a long-term test.
You can find more information about this project at www.elogz.de.