Plant engineering for electrical goods

efficient, fast and safe

What matters in manufacturing in the electrical industry

For years, we have been developing efficient systems and special machines for the manufacture of electrical goods for companies operating in the electrical industry. Whether for the production of electronic parts and components, to facilitate electrical assembly with mounting rails or for the production of cable boxes, cable clamps or cable trays for control cabinets.

As a company in the field of electrical and automation engineering, we know exactly what is important in this branch of industry in plant engineering. In particular, the large number and variety of many electronic components and other articles require automated production for fast, safe and extremely flexible process sequences.

Rely on our many years of know-how. We help you keep up with the ever-growing competition.

Economical automation solutions with plant engineering and electrical assembly

In the electrical industry, the innovation cycles for electronic parts and electrical components are often particularly short. That’s why you need extremely flexible automation solutions to be able to adapt production quickly – with minimal set-up costs. This is exactly why we develop optimal systems for you.

Production line for injection moulded insert cover

Talk to us. We have the right solution for every challenge in machine and plant construction for the electrical industry.

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